Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Paper for Water Projects-from HBTT

Paper For Water

Dear Isabelle and Katerina

          I appreciate you, your family, and your team for 4 years of fruitful efforts, sacrifice and promotion to raise an awareness around the world to build water wells so necessary in daily life.  I am reminded of a childhood experience.  We had a poorly designed well-unsafe because animals or humans could fall in.  I remember a story of my cousin about 8 years old.  He came to my house while my sister was busy doing her chores.  In a split second he fell into the well.  Luckily his little brother was there, who quickly ran home calling his dad for help.  His dad, blaming  my sister, began chasing her and she ran for her life through the bob wire.  Luckily during that season the water level was low.  The little boy below in the well told his dad to lower the bucket down to get him up.  He was lucky to be alive with just a little scratch marks on his body.  By cranking the water a lot my sister’s arms grew stronger than the 3 girls in the house.

          In 2009 I prayed very hard to do something wonderful for the needy and the poor.  Then the Lord sent a woman poet, I have her poetry book.  She does a lot of charity works as well, even now at  88 years old, she is still visiting the prisoners.  She encouraged me to foster my artwork instead of composing poems.  I like to do both.  Then I started to make cards as a gift for my neighbor, she encouraged me to make more, and she bought a whole years supply of the cards I made.  I donated all the money to help 3 nuns who run a boarding school for girls in Vietnam.  They are poor mountain people.  Last year the number of students increased to 245 students in 1st-12th grade and also from 2-5 years old girls and boys.   Again last year the Lord inspired me to do something more.  He gave me the idea to put songs based on  poems that my friend and I composed on a CD.   A lot of people got involved in this project, and enabled the nuns to buy a supply of food for a year or more. 

    This year I thought I would get a little break.  Then I got to know you through Ekaterina Lukashava, and was touched by the idea of “Paper For Water”.  Keep up the good work, I am glad to fold more for you and be part of your mission.  Every single paper that I fold is a prayer for you, your family, and your team.  I experience a boundless joy in giving, “Every little thing we do for others we do for the Lord.”

PS.  Enclosed is a picture of the butterfly picture made from quilling and 3 samples of quilling cards.  If you are interested in learning, it is nice to combine them in the ornaments.


Sr.Agatha Yen Pham of the Most Holy Trinity 

***This is so inspirational. I cannot wait for the girls to get home from school so I can read this to them. How wonderful that you are using your gifts and talents to change the lives of so many children! I cannot wait for my girls to meet you in person. You are an outstanding model for them. With gratitude and thanks!

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