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When Jesus walked on the water,
A great mystery beyond our grasp.
He demonstrated His divine power,
Revealing Himself as the Son of God.
"Nothing is impossible for Him,"
As He showed control over the forces of nature.
When Jesus walked on the water,
A great mystery beyond our grasp.
This miraculous act served as a testimony
To His disciples,
Witnessing and strengthening their faith.
“Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid”
(Mark 6:50).
When Jesus walked on the water,
A great mystery beyond our grasp.
This act symbolized transcending the limitations
Of the world.
He offers hope in challenging times,
Even when we can't fully comprehend.
Cradling a smooth, cool marble in my hand,
Strolling along the soft, white sand.
Before me lies a magnificent beach,
With clean, clear, teal waters inviting me.
The sun beams down,
Illuminating the vast, infinite ocean.
Above and beyond,
There exists a special bond
Deep within humanity
And the Earth,
Residing in our hearts—
A connection with God and I.
Truly, He was our living water
The Spring of Eternal life.
"Things change and friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody." By Stephen Chbsky
Good explanation-*****
Life does not pause to let us catch our breath or mend our hearts; it just keeps moving, with or without our permission. This quote holds a mirror up to the reality we often shy away from: the world does not bend to our needs or slow down when we stumble. Friends who once felt like home may drift away, relationships we thought would last forever might fade, and seasons of life change whether we are ready or not. It is easy to get caught up in the sadness of goodbyes, but the real challenge is learning to dance in the midst of it all, to keep moving forward even when it feels like the ground has shifted beneath our feet. Chbosky’s insight is not just about loss; it is a call to resilience. It reminds us that while we cannot control the ebbs and flows of life, we can control how we respond. We can cling to memories, letting them anchor us to the past, or we can embrace the uncertainty of the future with an open heart. Life does not wait for us to be ready, so we must learn to adapt, to find our footing again and again, even when the path is uncertain. The friends who leave are not a reflection of our worth but rather a testament to the ever-changing nature of human connection. Some people are meant to walk with us for a lifetime, others only for a season, but each leaves behind lessons, memories, and growth. We must cherish the time we have with those we love, but also learn to let go gracefully when their chapter in our story comes to an end. Life’s pace can feel relentless, especially when we are dealing with heartache or loss. But there is beauty in this constant motion; it means there is always another moment, another chance, another sunrise on the horizon. The key is to stay present, to not cling too tightly to what was or worry too much about what will be. Instead, we must find the courage to live fully in the now, appreciating the people who are here today, while understanding that tomorrow may look different. Chbosky’s words are both a gentle nudge and a wake-up call. They remind us that change is not something to fear, but rather an inevitable part of the human experience. Life does not stop, but that is what makes it so breathtakingly beautiful; each moment is fleeting, each connection unique, and every goodbye makes space for something new. The challenge, then, is to keep moving, to keep loving, and to keep living, no matter what or who comes and goes.
Loving God, I offer thanks for the gift of my family. Help us to work together for peace and harmony in our relationships. Grant us the grace to accept each others faults and weaknesses. Protect us from harsh words and hurt feelings. Assist us to encourage one another's strengths and abilities. Lead us to mutual understanding and support.
May we always forgive each other's failings and rejoice in one another's successes. Watch over my family, dear Lord bless us with good health and happiness. Fill our hearts with love, patience and kindness for one another, now and always. Amen
(John 20:16) Jesus arose to open the gate, To reveal the radiance of heaven. Ancient tombs still bear human steps. A startled voice calling "Lord!" resounds. Rabbouni's echo reverberates eternally, Mary Magdalene was fervent that day. At dawn, she sought the sepulcher. Her heart heavy, tears yet to dry, Then Jesus' comforting voice startled her. The day shone brightly with morning sun, Unveiling a realm of celestial jubilation. From eternal slumber, Christ resplendently resurrected, From the dawn's first light, I shall open the passage to everlasting life, Despite the myriad adversaries, All bow before the Master's dominion. Rabbouni! Rabbouni! Her spirit fervently calls, "Teacher!" Rabbouni! Rabbouni! You are the way, My timeless joy, My soul ablaze with exultation, My lips raise hymns to the heavens! ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! OUT OF THE BLUE
Out of the blue, a fine gentleman appears.
He often sends flowers and kind greetings.
He promises that he will be honest and sincere.
Although he knows I am already taken.
Out of the blue, a fine gentleman emerges.
He is working on projects for a major oil company.
A part of the "Cylinder" is broken and requires a replacement.
He desperately needed my assistance, and I felt completely helpless,
even without a penny in the bank.
I understand the immense significance of this project to him,
for the sake of his only daughter's bright future.
As a single dad, he has a good reason; he would lose everything.
He kept insisting that I assist him.
It's frustrating to discern what's real or fake in this discombobulated world."
Dear Father, in the sunset,
The colourful sky fills my soul with ecstasy.
The North wind blows, rustling the branches and leaves.
My soul is weary,
Passing through this long and tiresome road,
Despite the hardships,
Although quietly lonely.
Dear Father, there are so many things
I would like to speak with You,
Your love always shining bright,
Feeling with excitement and enthusiasm.
In the afternoon, the dark clouds fly,
Carrying the shadow of Your presence,
Singing the song of loyalty.