Wednesday, June 12, 2024

RABBOUNI (John 20:16) in English


(John 20:16) Jesus arose to open the gate, To reveal the radiance of heaven. Ancient tombs still bear human steps. A startled voice calling "Lord!" resounds. Rabbouni's echo reverberates eternally, Mary Magdalene was fervent that day. At dawn, she sought the sepulcher. Her heart heavy, tears yet to dry, Then Jesus' comforting voice startled her. The day shone brightly with morning sun, Unveiling a realm of celestial jubilation. From eternal slumber, Christ resplendently resurrected, From the dawn's first light, I shall open the passage to everlasting life, Despite the myriad adversaries, All bow before the Master's dominion. Rabbouni! Rabbouni! Her spirit fervently calls, "Teacher!" Rabbouni! Rabbouni! You are the way, My timeless joy, My soul ablaze with exultation, My lips raise hymns to the heavens! ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA!

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