Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Lesson of The Water And BÀI HỌC CỦA NƯỚC


Water from high mountain tops
From the majestic waterfall
Water flows into the valley
Towards the endless riverbed
God is noble
But humble come down to earth.
Like normal water
Easily squeeze in and out
Through the narrow rock gap
Through the winding stream
To the dry land
Nurturing thousands of plants and trees.
Water has no form
But the nature is pure
Water is so flexible
Whether the vase is square or round
Water has that shape
It accepts itself.
Oh, water is so profound
When it's tears
If anyone who doesn't know how to cry
Even Christ, He shed tears
In front of Lazarus's tomb
I'm sorry for someone's being
Indifferent and don't know how to cry?
When water is sweat
Of the workers
It's priceless
And extremely priceless
They are drops of sweat
Anxiety and excitement
In the past, in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Celebrating rainy days
From the magical sky
After the rain, the sun shines again
Enjoy all things grass and trees
God's raindrops are abundant
Whose soul to entrust......
Nước từ đỉnh núi cao

    Từ ngọn thác vĩ hùng

Nước tuôn về thung lũng
Về lòng sông miên man
Chúa là Đấng cao sang
Mà xuống trần khiêm hạ.
Như nước lã bình thường
Dễ dàng chen len lỏi
Qua khe đá nhỏ hẹp
Qua dòng suối quanh co
Đến miền đất khô cằn
Nuôi dưỡng vạn cây cỏ.
Nước không có hình thể

Song bản chất tinh tuyền

Nước thật là uyển chuyển

Dẫu bình vuông hay tròn
Nước mang hình thể đó
Nó chịu lụy hòa mình.
Ôi, nước thật thâm tình

Khi nó là nước mắt

Có ai không biết khóc

Ngay cả Đấng Ki-tô
Người đã từng tuôn lệ
Trước mộ La-za-rô
Tiếc cho cuộc đời ai
Dửng dưng không biết khóc?
Khi nước là mồ hôi
Của những người lao động
Nó thật là vô giá
Và cực kỳ vô giá
Là những giọt mồ hôi
Bồi hồi và xao xuyến
Trong vườn Giệt năm xưa.

Những ngày mưa kỷ niệm
Từ trời cao nhiệm màu
Sau mưa trời lại sáng
Vui vạn vật cỏ cây
Giọt mưa Chúa đong đầy
Cho hồn ai phó thác......

HBTT-Vu Thuy

Sunday, October 22, 2023







Cha ơi! Trời đã vào Thu
Con ngồi ngẫm nghĩ đã nhiều Thu qua
Thời gian như lá Thu bay
Gió ơi! Gió đến gọi hồn phong Thu
Này lá nhắn nhủ đôi câu
Hãy lo phần rỗi linh hồn mai sau
Cuộc đời như lá qua mau
So sánh, cay đắng, gieo sầu làm chi?


Father! It's Fall

I've been sitting and thinking about how much Autumn has passed

Time is like flying Autumn leaves

Wind! The wind comes to call the soul of the Autumn wind

This leaf leaves a few messages 

Take care of your soul's, your salvation

Life is like leaves passing quickly

What is the use of comparison, bitterness, and sowing sorrow?






Chiều Thu trên đỉnh bình yên

Cụm mây lơ lửng, trăng nghiêng bóng gầy

Xào xạc tiếng lá chim bay

Mắt nai ngơ ngác, cả đàn yêu Thu. 

Chiều chiều gió thổi vi vu

Chèo lên đỉnh núi, phong Thu một mình

Cảm như tình Chúa rất gần

 Phất phơ gió chuyển phận về nơi đâu?

Hàn huyên với Chúa thật lâu

Cõi tâm thanh thản, tảng sầu dần tan...

Thơ tuyển trong báo TTDM 2014 và tấm tranh


Autumn afternoon on a peaceful peak
Clusters of clouds float, the moon tilts in thin shadows
The rustling sound of leaves and birds flying
Deer eyes are bewildered, the whole herd loves Autumn.
The wind blows in the afternoon
Rowing to the top of the mountain, enjoying Autumn alone
It feels like God's love is very close
Where does the wind change your fate?
Talk to God for a long time
The mind is at peace, and the sadness gradually disappears...

Tất cả cảm xúc:
Mong Linh Nguyen, Thanh Nguyen và 5 người khác

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Short Biography


Agatha Yen Pham was born in Vietnam, she united with her family in 1991 in the United States.  She joins the Discalced Carmelite Oder in Piedmont Oklahoma in 2002.  With God's blessing in 2008 April 25th she made her final profession during the beautiful Easter Season. The religious life attracted her when she was still very young. The time when she makes her First Communion and Confirmation. That there is a call to search deeper (search the Lord) inside of her soul that was burning and she wanted to enter a religious life early like Saint Therese.  And the desire increased more and more when she read the book "Story of the Soul" by St. Therese of the Little Flower. After reading St. Therese biography she knew where God wanted her.  That it! Carmel is where she desires to be and strongly desires to be faithful to Him whom loves her so much. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023



 “With zeal have I been zealous for the Lord God of Hosts.” These are the words of the great Prophet of Mt. Carmel, Elijah, whom Carmelites call their spiritual Father.

Oh prophet and saint Elijah, you're a Carmelite father.

With great zeal, dedicated your life as a hermit,

to contemplation and prayers.

A great desire to union with the Lord of Host.

You taught us a motto to follow

The love of meditation on the word of the Lord

Day and night like a candle always lidded 

closer to the tabernacle, our soul is like a garden.

Can grow silently full of weeds, 

And bad worms and insects can destroy the garden.

If we're not aware and not fervent in prayers.

This worldly temptation, and its allurement, 

 Is like a lion lurking everywhere.

Help us be fervent in our prayer through meditation on Scripture

Like the waterfall to know you're always presence

Either a sunshine day, rainy day, thunderstorm or tornadoes

You're, in our midst.

Help us to always keep our lamp bright.  

Through perseverance and be zealous 

of the Lord like our father prophet St. Elijah.

*In Hebrew Carmel mean "Garden"



    As we remember the seal of Carmel.  We are anchored in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ in our life of prayer, pondering day and night the Word of the Lord in our hearts.

    The three stars symbolise the three spiritual pillars of the Discalced Carmelite order such as St. Elijah, St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross.

    The warm colours of red, orange and yellow symbolise the theological virtues of faith, hope and love.

    The dove is dark because it symbolises the dark night of the soul. The struggle to grow in spiritual life that is necessary in our journey toward union with God.  The strings symbolise the necessary graces that flow around us as we trust in God through our struggles and pain.

    The white background symbolises God's presence surrounding us.

    In the centre of the seal is Mount Carmel, cradle of the Order, its tip reaching to the sky, Mount Carmel, the Carmelites' place of origin is in Haifa, Israel.  In The 9th century BC, the prophet Elijah lived there and had a profound experience of God.  In that same place in the early 12th century some hermits, inspired by the memory of St. Elijah, gather there, with a desire to live a life of allegiance to Jesus Christ base on the Rule of St. Albert.

    The cross on the summit of the mountain was added to the seal in the 16th century as a distinctive mark of the Discalced Carmelites.  On the seal there are also three stars which represent the three great epochs in the history of Carmel; the first, or prophetic era, represented by the star inside the mountain, denotes the time of the prophet Elijah to the time of St. John the Baptist; the second indicates the era of those hermits living on Mount Carmel before the arrival of the Latin Crusaders; and the third signifies the present epoch spanning from the first Carmelite community living under the Rule of St. Albert until the end of time.

    Another meaning of the stars is that they stand as a remember to the members of the Carmelite order.  The star inside the mountain represents the Carmelites who are still on their way to the summit of Mount Carmel (heaven). The other two stars in the sky represent all the Carmelites who have gone before us and have reached the goal of their life's vocation:  union with God in love in the eternal joy of heaven.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Sunday, October 8, 2023

4 poems submit to Mount Carmel Magazine




 God's Beauty in Living Creatures

Living in the country I encounter God's creatures.

Hearing the frogs croaking during the night.

And a choir of birds making joyful music.

The cotton tree flowers flew lightly like snow.

The ducks, and the turtles, enjoying the sunbathe.

The rabbits have fun chasing each other.

The innocent deer searching for food.

The armadillo digging a big hole here and there.

The charming hummingbirds sucking honeysuckle.

The butterflies and the bees are busy pollination.

The cute squirrel running up and down the oak tree.

The gardener enjoys fresh vegetables and tasty fresh fruits.

The chickens and the ducks provided free nutrient eggs.

Looking out of the window amazingly a weather forecast pond.

Walking under the tree feeling full of peace.

Living in the country I experienced God's beauty.

Mesmerizing sky, reflection on the surface of the water. 
Seeing the white egret very calm and waiting. 
For some fish lucky or unfortunate. 
The east side the sun slowly rises. 
Brightly radiant shading red and orange, 
While the blue moon still appeared in the west. 
Patiently waits for the sun to take duty. 
The landscaped pleasantly with green grasses. 
Nicely cut like a new piece of carpet. 
The rain refreshes the spiritual atmosphere. 
The tropical scent awakes our souls. 
We lift up our heart to praise God our creator. 
The gardener, the trees, the flowers, so much appreciated.

***Palms 104

Abide with me Lord, in this unknowing day. 
When darkness deepens, carry my faith away, 
Like the mountain falls in helplessness. 
Tears that come as a spring stream have no end.
With three passions overwhelming strong: 
The longing of God loves above and beyond. 
The search for knowledge is infinite, 
Unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind
The love of God is not easy with one mind. 
The knowledge of understanding mankind is impossible. 
The suffering of the world how uselessness! 
How can I stop my tears from falling?
Abide with me O Lord, for I am weak. 
Only by grace will I be strong. 
God is everything, all in all. 
Eternity exceeds every expectation.

A  Message From Morning Glory Flowers
MT 25:14-30
A Morning Glory was the most delicate flower,
The petals as a soft silky fabric.
Heavenly pastel, luminous star center.
Despite the drizzle, soggy, and gloomy day.
How amazing and cheerful it was!
To a gardener who planted the first time.
Graciously burgeon like a fairy-tale land.
Delightful display in the morning, sunrise.
Awe!  And it conveys a heartfelt message.
That our creative talents are for the glory, 
honor, and praise to  God.
He delights in us and He delights in our abilities to create. 
Be creative and let our creativity thrive. 
Our voices, our services, and our abilities 
are to be employed, primarily, for the glory of God.
Let thy will be done! Let thy will be done!

Submit these 4 poems to Mount Carmel Magazine 10/8/2023