Saturday, March 27, 2021

Recycle Newspaper Collage

                                                                        Discovery and Transformation

This remind me of a story of an Ugly Duckling, Turn into a swan.

                                                                     A Burst Of Joy
                                                                          In Memory Of all the people have died of Cov 19.
                                                             Donation for Paper For Mother'S Day 2021


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Le Galeriste


 Welcome to my dream shop in Le Galeriste.  I thought that only in Heaven I can enjoy my artworks in wearable items.  God make it happen, and it is real.  I thank God for the vision of the CEO, and let me have found you. 

 Here is the link below.  Not just enjoy looking at art but to wear them.  Or to see someone else wear them.